Business ethics program

septiembre 21, 2021por arch@dmin0

For San Diego, compliance with the standards contained in the VIRTUS Code of Ethics is considered a fundamental part of our organizational culture, characterized by values ​​that seek to positively impact our entire value chain and as a hallmark of our company; For this reason, the Board of Directors values ​​and recognizes the effort and commitment of those people who act with rectitude and ensure the integrity of business management.

It is essential to generate a culture oriented to apply and enforce our business values, recognizing good behavior and sanctioning non-compliance with these principles.

As part of this establishment and strengthening of an organizational culture based on values, a Business Ethics program has been designed in order to prepare our leaders to direct compliance, recognition, attention and sanctions to our VIRTUS.

To develop this program, the University of the Isthmus (UNIS) has been invited, which, through its instructors led by Dr. Hugo Cruz, brings together leaders virtually to expand and strengthen knowledge about ethics and your business application.

This program is divided into phases, the first being directed to the team of Company Managers, who, since January 2021, have participated in monthly virtual meetings in which fictitious cases are analyzed that promote analysis, dialogue and ethical decision-making. correct and prepare them for the attention to situations that could be generated within our

The second phase will contemplate the participation of the Superintendents, Assistant Managers and Coordinators in a new series of sessions, always hand in hand with UNIS.

The adoption of business ethics programs is an obligation that brings great challenges and is not an easy task, but we firmly believe that our leaders are adequately preparing to continue building an ethical culture in our company.

Together we build a better San Diego!

Ingenio San Diego
Ingenio San Diego
Ingenio San Diego
Ingenio San Diego

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